There are currently three different grants awarded by the EMHG. Recipients of the grants will be announced on the EMHG website.
2025 Annual Meeting Travel Bursary
The EMHG is offering a limited amount of travel bursaries for the 2025 EMHG annual meeting.
Partnership Award
The EMHG is pleased to announce a call for applications for this bursary scheme. The aim of the awards is to foster engagement between the EMHG and colleagues in countries with no established MH diagnostic service. Specifically, the award will make a contribution to the costs of a medically qualified practitioner attending the next EMHG Annual Meeting.
One year after having attended the EMHG Annual Meeting the recipient is requested to submit a progress report.
For further information please visit the members area of the EMHG.
EMHG Young Investigator Research Grants up to €2500.
Applications are invited for EMHG Young Investigator Research Grants which are intended for researchers seeking smaller amounts of money to undertake projects of relatively modest size.
For further information please visit the members area of the EMHG.
EMHG Project Grant
EMHG project grants will fund laboratory or clinical research projects with a focus on malignant hyperthermia. We encourage projects that will foster collaborative research between member laboratories but single-centre projects are also welcomed. The main criterion for project evaluation will be the quality of the proposed science: originality, feasibility and value for money will be among other important considerations.
The awards will be open to active or associate members of the EMHG who are in good standing and will be up to a maximum of €10,000. Applications for smaller amounts are encouraged.
For further information please visit the members area of the EMHG.