Your Travel expert: Leonie Meiring

Meeting organizer: Dr. Hannah Brand



The presentation of scientific research (basic or clinical), case reports, case series and quality improvement studies is a core part of every EMHG Annual meeting. If you have work that you would like to present on any aspect of malignant hyperthermia or related conditions we would be pleased to receive your abstract. We will schedule as many free-papers as possible during the course of the meeting. The EMHG will award cash prizes for the best basic research paper and the best clinical paper.
As we would like to enhance discussion there will be no poster presentations, all abstracts will be oral presentations.

Abstract preparation:

Abstracts should be prepared as a single page Word file formatted as follows (see template):

  • Paper size: A4

  • Margins: all set at 2.5 cm

  • Font: Arial 12pt

  • Line spacing: single

The content should include:

  • Title

  • Authors

  • Author affiliations

  • Text: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion (for case reports use Introduction, Case details, Conclusion).

  • One figure or text may be included but it must be embedded within the single page document

  • Reference list formatted as follows: 1st author name, et al. Abbreviated journal title year; volume: page numbers, e.g. Rueffert H, et al. Br J Anaesth 2021;126:120-30.

  • Funding – acknowledge any sources of external funding that have supported the work.

Abstract submission (deadline 16th March 2025):

Please submit abstracts as an email attachment to Dr. Hannah Brand The subject of the email should be “EMHG Abstract Submission”
In the body of the email please provide details of all relevant regulatory approvals for research studies.
Please copy (cc) all authors into the email to confirm that they have approved the submission.