Yves Nivoche

Professor Yves Nivoche passed away on the 31th May, 2015 at the age of 64. He was in charge of the MH center in Paris Hopital Robert Debré. 

He had two professional passions: Pediatric Anesthesiology and Intensive Care and Malignant Hyperthermia. In both areas, he participated in the development of knowledge since the early days in the 70s up to the maturity of these two important sectors of Anesthesiology. He was for instance the co-author of a paper published in the British J of Anaesthesia in 1988 which is still regularly cited these days: Complications related to anesthesia in infants and children. 1988; 61: 263-9. The conclusions of this article helped to the obligation of recovery rooms and to the improvement of the safety and quality of pediatric anesthesia. He was, for a long time, Head of Department of Anesthesiology Department at the Robert Debré Hospital, one of the first french hospital for mother and children and he started there the in vitro diagnosis of MH. He was an important member of the French MH Group and organized in Paris with Renée Krivosic one of the meeting of the EMHG. 

Yves had remarkable qualities of intelligence, encyclopedic knowledge and was very emotionnal. He was an excellent teacher and showed lot of interest for his students. He participated to many training missions, especially in Viet Nam and North Africa. 

The sickness that took him away, hit him in his maturity. His courage and determination were flawless. He will remain in the memory of all who had the pleasure to work with him. May he rest in peace now. 

Professeur Renée KRIVOSIC-HORBER,